The number of “healthy” diet plans out there could fill a few thousand libraries. Fortunately, as Lyme disease sufferers, we can narrow our focus to just a few hundred different plans, as food allergies preclude the others from possibility.
Okay, so I’m exaggerating, but if you’re like me, the more you know about nutrition, the more questions you’ll ask yourself about what’s the proper way to approach food as a Lyme-disease sufferer.
Some of the things I’ve asked myself;
Do I cut fruit out? After all, fruit can cause a blood-sugar spike and feeds Borrelia. Do I eliminate grains, including brown rice, because they might exacerbate Leaky Gut and hence inflammation? Do I not eat red meat or chicken because these are acidic in my body? Do I skip fish because it’s loaded with mercury? What about dairy? Does cow’s milk really contain the Lyme bacteria? Should I forego anything that’s not organic because it’s loaded with toxins and void of nutrients? Do I follow the blood-type diet, South Beach, The Maker’s Diet, Ayurveda, or some combination of the above?
Most health-conscious Lyme disease sufferers and most nutritionists would probably agree on at least one thing when it comes to diet; Veggies are good!
Beyond this belief, you can find a good reason not to eat from the other food groups, with allergies being foremost. Beyond food sensitivities/allergies, however, how do you decide, amongst conflicting opinions, what to eat? Below find my general guidelines, which have less to do with the inherent nutrients in food and more about your body’s response to them.
First, consider how a particular item makes you feel shortly after you eat it. If you feel Droopy-eyed and heavy, it’s probably a no-go.
Second, with what ease can you digest it? Does it take you a 90-minute flick to finish a Spinach salad? Does it come out the other end looking the same as when you put it into your mouth? These could be signs that it’s time to either sautee the bugger or choose a different food.
Third, amongst your selections, are you able to marry decent amounts of fat, protein and carbohydrate at every meal? If not, it’s time to find a partner or two for that carbohydrate.
Fourth, do your meals keep your belly happy for longer than an hour? Aim for enough protein-carbohydrate-fat to keep the ATP going for a few hours.
Fifth, have you learned to detest mealtimes because you can’t stand broccoli and salmon but feel you should eat them anyways? Find healthy alternatives from the garden and the sea.
Sixth, are you gaining or losing weight on your diet? If you are noticeably under or overweight, re-evaluate your plan.
Seventh, is it important to your emotional well-being to eat foods high in sugar? If so, have a slice of chocolate cake every now and again without going wild.