Homeopathy for Lyme disease

If you were to give a healthy person a substance that creates symptoms of infection, then that same substance, when administered to a person with that infection, would stimulate the immune system to eradicate the infection. This is the principle behind homeopathy.

It’s as if the substance gives the immune system a swift kick in the pants, so that it wakes up to the presence of infection. Indeed, homeopathic preparations aren’t antimicrobials in the traditional sense of the word. They are preparations that jump-start the immune system so that it can do what it’s supposed to do. They force it to work harder and smarter and better.

Homeopathy has been beneficial for treating Lyme disease. While I don’t personally know of anyone who has been cured by it, rumor has it that it can take a person “out of the woods,” figuratively speaking, and its effectiveness depends not only upon a host’s immune response, but also the skill of the homeopath in formulating an adequate protocol. Unlike antibiotics and traditional medicine’s methods of healing, homeopaths don’t dispense nosodes (as the preparations are called) with a one-size-fits-all approach. Having a borrelia infection should only be one factor to consider when determining which remedies to take. It is vital to look at other issues that are contributing to your overall symptom picture and a good homeopath will take these into account, along with your emotional, physical and mental characteristics. Dr. Whitmont, a homeopath and MD in the New York area (www.homeopathicmd.com) contends that a diagnosis of Lyme disease does not necessarily imply the treatment, and that protocol must be tailored to suit an individual person’s needs.

For instance, many homeopaths administer Ledum for Lyme disease. This remedy has proven to be effective for some, but it would be wrong to assume that it should be given to all Lyme disease sufferers. On his website, Dr. Whitmont writes that the following remedies are also indicated for Lyme disease: arsenicum album, mercurius, thuja, carcinosin, syphilinum, lac caninum, tick bite, lyme tick and borrelia. (One or more of these preparations may be his inventions, and hence specific to his practice). He adds, “These medicines are only a starting point for consideration. Any homeopathic medicine can be used to effectively treat Lyme disease if it is the simillimum (produces similar symptoms), to the individual case.”

While homeopathic remedies can be purchased over-the-counter, it may be a good idea to seek out a competent practitioner to guide you when formulating a protocol, since the effectiveness of this type of therapy may be dependent upon you receiving a specific combination of remedies that only a trained practitioner can discern.

Homeopathy is a safe way to treat illness without side effects. It is also relatively inexpensive when compared to other Lyme disease remedies. These factors, combined with its effectiveness against borrelia, makes it an ideal primary or adjunct therapy in the treatment of Lyme disease.