MMS and antioxidants in food

Jim Humble, founder of the MMS, Miracle Mineral Supplement protocol, advises taking his remedy apart from antioxidants, by at least three hours. Because MMS is an oxider, antioxidants will tend to neutralize its activity.

Most Lyme disease sufferers know that MMS shouldn’t be taken at the same time as Vitamin C. What I’ve noticed that they don’t consider is whether to take it with food containing antioxidants. Antioxidants in food can be more powerful than those found in supplements; hence, perhaps caution should also be warranted in taking MMS with food.

While most foods contain antioxidants, following is a list of those in which greater amounts can be found:

Broccoli, grapes, garlic, spinach, tea, carrots, soy, whole grains, blueberries, prunes, raspberries, apples, pecans, walnuts, hazelnuts, cherries, plums, beans-of all types, cinnamon, oregano, and cloves.

Some supplements, including chlorella and Vitamin E, are also high in antioxidants.

Some Lyme disease sufferers report that MMS seems to be working for them anyway, even though they take it with their meals or with foods containing antioxidants. Who knows then, if it would be more beneficial to take it on an empty stomach or with a food containing fewer antioxidants? As long as you notice benefits from MMS, perhaps it doesn’t matter. Even if its effectiveness were compromised by the antioxidant-rich food, you could always increase your dose. On the other hand, if you want to be accurate about dosing, it might be better to consider taking the remedy away from such foods.