Powerful Ways To Reduce Inflammation And Remove Neurotoxins…Naturally!

In a previous post, I mentioned that inflammation is one of the primary reasons for symptoms in the chronically ill. By reducing its effects, you can feel a million times better than when pro-inflammatory cytokines are running rampant through your body.

Inflammation is caused by many things. In the Lyme disease sufferer, neurotoxins as a result of infections, as well as starchy and sugary foods, are two important culprits.

Recently, I read an article by Dr. Richard Loyd, a PhD nutritionist and founder of Health Balances in Seattle, W.A., which provided me with some fantastic new insights into lowering inflammation and in removing two of its causes–neurotoxins and the wrong kinds of food.

Let’s start first with the food. Yes, diet in Lyme disease is a big deal if you want to reduce inflammation and heal. Simple sugars, as well as starches, and in particular, the polysaccharide amylose, cause inflammation. Stay away from grains, root vegetables, dairy products, and high-glycemic foods, including fruits. If you really want to play it safe, don’t eat any fruit except for wild berries. Make non-starchy veggies and animal protein the principal components of your diet.

Second, get your hands on a good toxin binder. While cholestyramine, a cholesterol-lowering drug, has been advocated by some LLMD’s for treating those with impaired detoxification ability, (because it is a powerful toxin binder), it can also cause undesirable side effects, such as constipation, bloating and other digestive problems. Dr. Loyd advocates cholestepure as a good alternative to cholestyramine. Cholestepure is a natural product made from plant sterols and can be purchased at Health Balances. He also uses peach tree extract, which he claims is the best substance he has found for removing mold toxins, which are often just as much a cause of symptoms in a Lyme disease sufferer as other toxins! Treating mold and removing mold toxins, as both Loyd and Shoemaker would agree, is vital for a full recovery from Lyme disease.

Paradoxically, however, cholestyramine can exacerbate inflammation in Lyme disease sufferers, so if you opt to take this toxin-binder, you may also need to add an anti-inflammatory to the mix. (And this may be a good idea, anyway, since taking a toxin-binder is likely to only partially remedy the inflammation problem). Dr. Shoemaker prescribes Actos, another medication, to reduce inflammation, but Dr. Loyd notes that Actos can exacerbate symptoms in those who are underweight or have low leptin levels. A better choice, writes Loyd, would be one of the following products: UltraInflamX, Kaprex, KaprexAI, BioticsKappArrest. Those products containing the acronym, “Kapp” in their title inhibit NF-kappaB, a messenger that causes the release of inflammatory cytokines, and are safe, natural alternatives to Actos.

In summary, reducing inflammation and healing from Lyme disease (and its accompanying infections, especially mold) can be accelerated by taking three important steps: 1) Binding and removing mold and other toxins with powerful toxin binders such as cholestepure and peach tree extract, 2)taking an anti-inflammatory such as UltraInflamX, Kaprex or BioticsKappArrest, and 3) sticking to a non-amylose, low glycemic and low starch diet. Yes, you can also go with Dr. Shoemaker’s protocol and try cholestyramine and Actos, but if you prefer to use only natural substances, which are likely to have fewer side effects, then you may want to try Dr. Loyd’s suggestions.

In previous posts, I have written about other natural anti-inflammatories and toxin binders that can be used in the treatment of Lyme disease; those mentioned here are an addition to these and may be of special interest to those with impaired detoxification mechanisms, as well as for those who believe that mold is a significant contributing factor to their illness.

Finally, Loyd notes that the process of detoxification can be significantly accelerated through the use of Japanese foot detox patches and a homemade (yes, you heard right!) foot detox bath, using two separate tubs (one for each foot),a couple of batteries, spoons and some wiring. Loyd writes that these homemade foot baths, which cost a fraction of commercial ionic foot baths, can be made at home and are actually more effective than their pricey counterparts! For more information on how to make this foot bath, check out: www.royalrife.com/mold_toxins.pdf. As well, you will find at this site a more in-depth explanation of the effects of inflammation upon the body, as well as how the above-mentioned toxin binders and anti-inflammatory products help to heal the body.