Suzanne S.

“Shocked…dumbfounded…despairing…hopeless…these are the words best describing where I was emotionally less than a year ago (in 2014) when I received an unexpected medical diagnosis of cervical cancer one month before my daughter was to be wed. 
I had been battling severe HPV for almost 2 years, which was being treated aggressively by my gynecologist, to no avail. Though everything in the natural was being done the precancerous lesions continued multiplying and becoming more stubborn.
After scheduling an appointment with a premier GynecologicOncologist, I contacted my friends Bill and Connie to ask for prayer and recommendations of Naturopathic doctors in my area. We met the next day for lunch and they asked if they could pray for me. I absolutely accepted, already having an immense faith in God’s ability to supernaturally heal me.
As soon as we began praying Connie placed her hand over my lower abdomen. As soon as she touched me I felt a strong power surge through my body and was knocked back in my chair. I went under the power of the HolySpirit for a few minutes while they continued praying. When I came to I shared what had taken place. Bill stated that God had told him, “It is done!”
I walked away with much hope of a good report the next day, which is exactly what I received. The oncologist told me that I did NOT have cancer. He could see that’s what my previous labs stated, but he saw no signs of cancer whatsoever! Praise the Lord! After a minor procedure the following month to take care of some minor lesions, he did a pap smear which confirmed that not only was there was no cancer, but there was no more HPV!!! God healed me completely and wholly from a disease that supposedly you never get rid of once contracted AND from a very deadly disease striving to snuff out my life! I amforever grateful for Connie’s faithfulness. She is a beautifully gracious woman and instrument of God’s healing mercy.”

-Suzanne S.