Note: This article was originally published on on October 1, 2016: on
Hyperthermia has been widely used in Europe and some other parts of the world as a viable alternative cancer treatment. Whole body hyperthermia involves incubating the entire body inside of a thermal chamber and heating it to 107-108 degrees Fahrenheit, and then cooling it over a period of six hours, during which time the heat kills of any cancer cells and microbes deep within the organs and tissues. Local and regional hyperthermia heat specific areas of the body where tumors are located.
When combined with other treatments, local, regional and whole body hyperthermia have a high rate of success in treating various cancers—even late stage cancers that have failed to respond to more conventional treatments.
Of late, a few practitioners have also discovered hyperthermia to be an extraordinary tool for treating Lyme infections, especially Bartonella, Borrelia, Mycoplasma, and viruses. One of these practitioners, Friedrich Douwes, MD, a renowned integrative cancer doctor in Bad Aibling, Germany accidentally discovered that hyperthermia could kill Lyme infections over 13 years ago, when two of his cancer patients who also had Lyme disease saw their Lyme infections go into remission after he treated them for cancer using hyperthermia!
Shortly thereafter, Dr. Douwes stumbled upon research that showed that syphilis spirochetes–which are similar to Borrelia spirochetes- were susceptible to heat and would die when the body’s temperature was elevated to 106 degrees Fahrenheit, as in hyperthermia. He then surmised that Lyme spirochetes might also be susceptible to heat, and so continued to treat Lyme patients using hyperthermia, with great success.
What’s more, Dr. Douwes discovered that the effects of hyperthermia were potentiated whenever he would administer IV antibiotics to his patients during the treatment, and that the treatments penetrated deep into the tissues, where they normally would not reach without hyperthermia. This was a revolutionary discovery for him, and has turned out to be a great benefit to his patients, many of whom who have been healed of Lyme after failing years of antibiotic tretament and/or other therapies.
In my upocming book, New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment: 10 Top Doctors Reveal Healing Strategies that Work, (which will be released later this month!), Dr. Douwes describes his protocol for Lyme, which includes hyperthermia, in conjunction with other tools that he uses for Lyme treatment such as IV ozone, peptides and nutritional therapy. He has a high success rate in treating patients for Borrelia and Bartonella using these tools, although admits that hyperthermia is not as effective for Babesia.
Still, Dr. Douwes’ website has some incredible testimonials of people who have been healed after just one or two hyperthermia treatments, along with a couple of weeks of adjunct therapies, and his reputation as a renowned cancer expert has also opened the door for him to becomes widely successful at treating Lyme and related conditions.
Hyperthermia may not be a suitable treatment for everyone; indeed, there is a risk of side effects for a small percentage of people, although Dr. Douwes believes that these effects can be greatly minimized with conscientious preparation and planning. He contends that he has never had a patient experience serious side effects though, because he and his staff take great care to ensure that all necessary preparatory precautions are taken, before, during and after the treatment.
Dr. Douwes charges approximately 15,000 euros for two weeks of treatment, which includes the adjunct tools that he uses to heal his patients. While this is a lot of money for some people, considering that many people with Lyme disease spend well over that much money on treatment, year after year, 15,000 euros may be a bargain for others. What’s more, hyperthermia may be an important treatment for those who have failed more conventional regimens involving herbal remedies and antibiotics. Indeed, I believe that it may become a more popular treatment in the days to come as more and more people learn about it.
In any case, I encourage you to check out Dr. Douwes’ chapter in New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment, where you can learn more about this new, cutting edge Lyme treatment that is setting thousands of people free from this insidious disease.