Hello Friends!
I hope this finds you well and enjoying life! Just wanted to send you an update on some exciting new things that I am doing this year, which may help you in your healing journey, as well!
As some of you know, the past few years have been quite rough for my sweetheart Bill and I. Bill was hospitalized SEVEN times in 2017 alone, after suffering two strokes and other complications from congestive heart failure. At the same time, I have been digging my way out of a Lyme relapse and serious complications from mold toxicity over the past year and a half…
But the good news is, thanks to much prayer, and wisdom from some of the best doctors in the world, including the Great Physician God we are both back “up and running” and overall doing well, after what was perhaps the rockiest season of our lives. And trust me, I’ve lived through some heavy stuff!
Thank you to all of you who have prayed for us during this time and who continue to pray. We appreciate your ongoing prayers, as we are still battling health challenges, although this year has so far been light years better than the last two!
Now that life is a bit more back to normal we are resuming our bi-monthly prayer conference call meetings so that we can pray one on one for YOU and witness God do miracles in your lives as He has done in ours!
We’d like to invite you to our first meeting THIS Sunday, March 4th at 4 PM Pacific, 5 PM Mountain, 6 PM Central and 7 PM Eastern Time. To join, just call: 877-575-7392! We start the meetings with a word of encouragement and group prayer, then we pray one on one for all attendees on a first come, first serve basis.
The meetings generally last 2-3 hours but you can come and go as you wish…we’ve seen God touch many lives and restore people, both emotionally and physically at these meetings, so we encourage you to attend!
We pray from a Christian perspective but people of all faiths are welcome to join. And, if you aren’t yet on my email notification list for the prayer group and would like to be added, please email me at: Connie9824@aol.com so we can notify you every time we host a meeting. We hope to “see” you next week and look forward to what God is going to do!
On another note, if you are battling Lyme disease and need better answers for your healing, I encourage you check out the new AUDIO version of my latest book, New Paradigms in Lyme Disease Treatment: 10 Top Doctors Reveal Healing Strategies that Work. Sean Patrick Hopkins narrated the audio version of this best-selling Lyme book, and did a superb job, not mispronouncing a single medical term. I interviewed over 50 narrators before I found one who could do that!
I created the audio version of NPLDT especially for those of you who struggle to read due to Lyme fog, or those of you who prefer to multitask and learn while driving, walking or doing household chores. For a limited time, you can get the audio book for FREE when you purchase a trial membership with Audible. To learn more, click here:
Finally, I am excited to announce that in late 2018, I will be releasing my latest, and perhaps last book for a while, which is tentatively entitled, Freedom from Depression: In Spirit, Soul and Body. This book is near and dear to my heart because it’s based on my personal battle with depression and what I have done to overcome it, on a spiritual, physical and emotional level. It is targeted toward those with neurodegenerative disease, although if you are battling depression related to other causes, you will find this book to provide a rich repertoire of tools to address other causes, too. The book will be featured on my website.
Depression isn’t just caused by spiritual problems, medical conditions, or trauma—often, it’s caused by all three, which means that healing requires a multifactorial approach that addresses all three levels of the person: spirit, soul and body. This is what makes this book unique! I believe it will provide better answers for those of you for whom one-size-fits-all, unilateral approaches have not worked.
I just want to conclude this newsletter of sorts with an update on my health and current treatment regimen, in case this information is helpful to those of you who are battling Lyme disease, mold illness or related chronic health conditions (my apologies as this section turned out to be much longer than I intended!). As some of you know, I had a pretty significant setback in my healing in June 2016, after feeling better than I had in years.
Exposure to mold after a poor remediation job, in combination with an inappropriate healing regimen sent my immune system into a massive inflammatory flare that left me bedridden for nearly 5 months. Never, since I was first diagnosed in 2004 with chronic Lyme, have I been that sick! The massive stressors that Bill and I went through in 2017 did not help things, but thank God, we have both improved significantly since then, and I’m back to working from home full time and walking 30-40 minutes 4-5 days per week.
I still have a ways to go in my healing, but I’d like to share a few tools that I have used over the last year and a half that I believe have brought me from being bedridden to relatively functional again, and which have helped to shut down the MS-like symptoms that I have battled since mid-2016.
The Plant Paradox diet. This is a strongly anti-inflammatory diet that heals the gut and shuts down inflammation via the avoidance of gut-damaging lectins in certain plants, as well as grains, legumes and animal-based foods. It’s one of those diets that you first wonder, after reading Steven Gundry MDs book, The Plant Paradox (upon which the diet is based) WHAT you can eat, but I’ve found that it’s actually one of the easier diets to follow. I don’t believe in one-size-fits-all diets but I do believe that this diet can be helpful for many people with chronic illness.
The Plant Paradox diet calls for a lower protein intake from animal protein (4-8 oz. max) but I’ve found my body needs a bit more, so I really follow a modified version of the diet, but I feel so much better even on a modified version! You have to find what works for you and not get stressed about strict food rules. If fasting, or a keto diet, or this or any other makes you feel worse, consider trying something else.
TKM (The King Method). TKM is a simple bodywork technique that is surprisingly powerful for rebalancing the body’s energy field, and with that, mitigating symptoms. Glen King, PhD, Founder of TKM, healed himself of metastatic melanoma and grand mal seizures largely through this gentle technique that contains over 100 sequences for healing all kinds of diseases. Dr. King is based in Dallas but there are a handful of TKM practitioners across the country.
You can also purchase Dr. King’s teachings and learn the basics of TKM on your own (if you are ambitious!) to do on yourself or another person, although I highly recommend visiting Dallas or a professional practitioner at least once to see how it works. It is very powerful and what kept me functional last year through so many medical emergencies. I continue to do TKM once a week for increased energy, improved sleep and to keep inflammation down.
Ketotifen. This prescription antihistamine shut down much of the inflammation that I was battling due to mold and mast cell activation, and has dramatically helped me to function since 2016. It is a Band-Aid treatment, but one that can really help lower inflammation and symptoms until the root causes of illness are addressed. Ketotifen is a compounded medicine that you can purchase from Key Pharmacy.
Supplemental Nutrition. Most of US are deficient in nutrients due to the poor quality of our soil and food supply. Seems like all of us could use more Vitamin B-12, magnesium and Vitamin D…among other nutrients. Of late, I’ve discovered a couple of new key nutrients that can help the body to detoxify environmental toxins by improving the detox pathways: calcium-D-glucarate and DIM, both of which remove aldehydes, plastics and other “xenoestrogrens” (or fake estrogens, which contribute to making us sick and fat!).
My complete supplement protocol is a bit lengthy, so I’ll just summarize a few of the key items that I believe may be especially beneficial for many battling chronic Lyme and mold illness, and which have made a world of difference in my wellbeing. (Note: I do not sell or advertise for the companies that make any of these products except for the first one, because I believe in it so much!)
Memory Works. This amazing product has done wonders for my energy, cognition and emotional wellbeing and has significantly reduced symptoms of brain fog, depression and fatigue over the past few years. My mind works well most of the time thanks in part to this product, which contains brain-supportive nutrients like L-carnitine, L-tyrosine, green tea extract, huperzine A, club moss and choline. However, it does have caffeine from green tea so if you are sensitive to caffeine I do not recommend it. Yet it’s one of the best overall energy and brain-supportive supplements I’ve found. To learn more, click here:
Transdermal pregnenolone. Pregnenolone is a bio-identical hormone that the body uses to make other hormones. One of the main issues that I’ve battled over the years is adrenal insufficiency and low cortisol, and pregnenolone has been a powerful adrenal support that has helped me to function at a high level.
Transdermal phosphatidylcholine. I take phosphatidylcholine transdermally, which aids in cellular repair and detoxification, as well as memory and cognitive function. I’ve found transdermal products to be superior in their effects to oral forms of the same products. I order them through Sabre Sciences labs in California. The products are a bit pricey but well worth it!
Mountain Valley Spring Water. Practitioner Sean Bean recommends this water to his clients and has found that it makes a world of difference in some of their wellbeing, and I believe it has improved mine, as well. It comes in glass bottles, which is good for avoiding contamination from plastics.
The 5-gallon glass bottles that the water comes in are very heavy, so I leave mine on the floor and use a dolphin pump (sold by Mountain Valley) to access the water. Mountain Valley delivers nationwide. Their water is a bit pricey, but I figure, so is being sick. If you are drinking dirty water (as nearly all tap water is), your cells will be dirty, so I encourage you invest in good water.
Transdermal Vitamin B patches. These are from PatchMD.com. Sean Bean also introduced me to this product, which is a bioavailable Vitamin B-complex product. The B vitamins aid in detoxification and many other processes in the body. I’ve found it to help mitigate symptoms of PMS, which are caused largely by toxins, especially xenoestrogens from the environment, which inflame the body and cause estrogen-progesterone imbalances.
Liposomal Dandelion Bitters. Quicksilver Scientific makes a great product called Bitter X, which helps to detoxify the liver, and decongest the bile ducts.
Frequency Therapy. I’m experimenting with doing targeted frequency therapy to address microbes, using a device called the PFG2Z by Pulsed Technologies. I don’t yet have an opinion about its effectiveness but it’s a nice therapy that you can do while working at your desk or watching TV, and doesn’t seem to cause Herxheimer reactions if the right frequencies are used.
Over the years, I’ve personally found that herbs and antibiotics weren’t enough to eliminate all the layers of Lyme infection that I’ve had, although they can be sufficient for many people, when combined with a strong protocol that supports the body on many levels. If I had to start over in my healing journey though, I would probably use essential oils or frequency therapy for infection, as I believe that both can be stronger than herbs (if the right products are used) yet are safer than antibiotics when used properly.
Mold Treatment. I am still overcoming mold toxicity, and take a variety of toxin binders such as activated charcoal, zeolite, and bentonite clay to mop up mold toxins, in addition to nasal sprays and prescription medications like Spronox and Nystatin to kill active mold in the sinuses and gut. I’m not a fan of prescription drugs but am deferring to my doctor on this one J. I follow Neil Nathan MDs mold protocol.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, I continue to work on developing my relationship with God. I believe that intimacy with God and knowing that God loves us are the key and foundation to optimal health and wellness, because we were created for relationship with our Creator. Many people have a flawed view of God and who He is based on false religious doctrines or what their primary caregivers communicated to them early on in life. This is sad, as I believe that God desires for all of us to be healed and whole, and in close relationship with Him.
Further, God still heals people supernaturally today just as He did when Jesus walked the earth, and that healing is accessible to all of us! If you’d like to learn more about divine healing and friendship with God, I encourage you to check out Bill Johnson’s teachings on the subject. You may also want to download my webinar, Hierarchy of Healing – Spirit, Mind and Body or attend one of our prayer meetings, where we discuss healing and relationship with God.
Well, I think I’m done here! Please let me know if this newsletter blessed you, and if not, what you’d like to see less or more of—so that I can improve upon the content for future newsletters.
Many blessings!
Connie Strasheim
Copyright © 2018 Connie Strasheim, All rights reserved.