Winter 2019 Newsletter
Hello Friends!
I hope this finds you all hopeful, happy and doing well in your healing journeys! I’m excited about 2019, and some new things that God has given me to share with you all.
Just Released! – New Book on Healing from Depression
If you’ve been battling depression and anxiety, either as part of a challenging chronic health condition such as Lyme disease or mold illness, or simply as a standalone issue, I want you to know that I understand how difficult and disabling these conditions can be. For many years I battled both conditions as part of my battle with Lyme and environmental illness, as well as for other reasons.
The good news is, I have learned a lot over the years about how to manage and overcome depression and anxiety! It took me years to find the tools that finally set me free. But now that I am doing well, I can finally share those tools with you in my latest book, Healthy, Happy and Free: Spirit-Soul-Body Solutions for Healing from Depression. While the book is targeted to those with depression caused by neurological disease, most of the principles are applicable to those with anxiety, as well. While the book is written from a Christian faith perspective, I believe people of all faiths will find nuggets of wisdom that will help them in their healing journey.
The book will be out on the market around January 25th, but you can pre-order it here, for delivery approximately 2-3 weeks from now.
Depression and anxiety are complex conditions that affect the spirit, soul, and body, so I’ve found that a solution that addresses the whole person, on all three levels, is vital. This is what makes Healthy, Happy and Free unique! You’ll find biochemical solutions, as well as mind-body and spiritual solutions for healing in this 325-page book.
Sleep Solutions Book NOW Available in Paperback!
In addition, I have just released my 2017 E-book, Beyond a Glass of Milk and a Hot Bath: Advanced Sleep Solutions for People with Chronic Insomnia in paperback format! The paperback will also be available toward the end of January, but you can pre-order it here. The book is targeted to those who struggle to sleep due to neurological disease.
Bi-Monthly Prayer Conference Call Group – Coming Again Soon!
Next, I’m thrilled to announce that Bill and I will be resuming our prayer conference call meetings on the first Sunday and third Monday of the month, for those of you who would like prayer for healing, or any other need. The meetings will start at 6 PM Central (5 PM Pacific, 7 PM Mountain, 8 PM Eastern) and last 2-3 hours. We pray for people on a first-come, first serve basis and in the past have seen God do many healing miracles! If you aren’t signed up to be notified of the meetings on a regular basis, please email me: so I can add you to the list! – A Place to Receive Prayer and Encouragement, and Connect With Others!
We’ve also set up a new website and ministry: where you will be able to post prayer requests, receive words of encouragement, or sign up for one on one prayer. (Note: The site is still under construction, so bear with us as we put the finishing touches on it. It should be up and running fully by February!). Spearheaded by Bill, the site is intended to be a place where you can encounter God and be encouraged and uplifted.
Bill has also released a new book of short essays (his first one!), called In His Presence, in which he shares his spiritual revelations, anecdotes and short stories that God has given him over the years. To learn more, click here.
Twelve-Week Spirit-Soul-Body Wellness Coaching Program – Coming This Spring/Summer
Despite all the great discoveries that have been made in medicine and which have helped me, and perhaps many of you in your healing journeys, God has been showing me that as the world becomes increasingly toxic, we will need better tools to heal and/or remain well. As part of that, I believe that focusing on knowing God, and the health of our soul and spirit is vital.
I’ve observed that, like me, many people who are battling chronic conditions such as Lyme disease, mold illness and other forms of environmental toxicity have spent many thousands of dollars, and many years trying to get well—with limited success. As I’ve prayed about this in recent years, God has been showing me that there are better answers in the supernatural realm.
Therefore, the 12-week coaching program will focus on key principles of healing the whole person: spirit, soul and body – and will include tools that God has given me in recent years to do that in my own life and in the lives of others I know. The program will include 12 teachings, followed by healing prayer. As well, I will offer one-on-one coaching for those who are interested, to help you personally implement the tools in your life. So you can sign up to simply listen to the teachings, and/or get further guidance and one-on-one coaching and prayer. If you are interested in the program, please email me: so I can notify you when the program is out.
In the 12-week program, you can expect to receive tools that will empower you to do the following:
Know God better, receive His love and find healing through relationship with Him. Overcome any roadblocks to relationship.
Discover the true identity that God has given you, including the power to heal and overcome disease.
Discover 3 Ways that God supernaturally heals: 1) The anointing 2) By living according to the principles He has set forth in the Bible and 3) Faith.
Understand why healing is always God’s will and how to appropriate divine healing within the context of brain retraining programs and mind renewal.
Clean up your home: how to remove EMFs, mold and toxic chemicals. Supernatural solutions for living in a toxic world.
Assess your lifestyle: what’s working, what isn’t, and how to identify “root” issues that may be holding you back in your healing
Discern emotional blocks to healing and replace lie-based beliefs, thoughts and behaviors with those that are life-giving
Discover your life’s purpose and what you were created for. How to advance in your calling, even while sick.
Find foods that fit a unique you, and which foster healing
Take nutrients that support your recovery from chronic illness, especially brain nutrients.
Balance your hormones for a better you
Detoxify your body from environmental pollutants
Establish life-giving relationships and identify unhealthy behavioral patterns that may be keeping you mired in disease
Also, if there is a topic that you’d specifically like to learn more about, or which you feel would benefit you in your healing, feel free to send me your suggestions and comments. Thanks!
Update on My Healing Journey
On another note, I’ve had some remarkable gains in my own healing journey this past year. As some of you may know, I had a major setback in 2016 as a result of mold exposure in my home and a poor remediation job, and after taking some very powerful, but inappropriately prescribed homeopathic remedies for mold. It has taken me a long time to unravel the mess of MS-like symptoms that I was broadsided with after these events, but I’m happy to say that I’m now doing relatively well again!
I attribute my improvements over the past year and a half principally to the following:
Brain re-training techniques, utilizing aspects of the Dynamic Neural Retraining System, Gupta Amygdala Retraining and God-directed prayers/visualizations and Scripture-based affirmations. I have been doing this for 10 months and continue to do it daily.
Homeopathic growth hormone (HGH). This powerful hormone, which also contains homeopathic adrenal gland and thyroid hormone, helped to shut down much of the inflammation and MS-like symptoms in my body. I also take pregnenolone, 7-keto DHEA, progesterone and licorice root for ongoing adrenal support. To learn more about HGH and the product that I use, click here. (Note: I am a distributor for this product).
The Plant Paradox diet. I followed a relatively strict version of this diet for about nine months, after which time I added other foods back in. It is a highly anti-inflammatory diet that also helps to heal the gut. For more information, see:
Finally, one of my all-time favorite products and which has significantly and positively impacted my brain function, energy and mood over the past few years, possibly more than any other supplement is Xenesta’s Memory Works. Developed by a chiropractor that overcame ADD and learning problems, I have found the product to be very beneficial. To learn more about this and other products by Xenesta, click here.
As we move forward into this year, and many things in the world seem to be growing darker, I encourage you to be a light in the darkness, because it’s the presence of light that extinguishes darkness! The world isn’t in turmoil because of darkness—it is in turmoil because of a lack of light. No matter where you are in life, you can be a light to someone else. As we all do our part to better the lives of those around us, I believe we can achieve significant things!
I look forward to connecting with you more throughout the year! If you have any questions or comments in the meantime, feel free to email me at:
Blessings, peace and all the best to you in your healing journey –
Connie Strasheim