I usually start our prayer meetings with a short message (15-20 minutes or so!), say a short corporate prayer as Holy Spirit leads, and then pray one on one for everyone who attends! Just call in whenever you are able, stay as long as you like, and feel free to intercede silently for others who are receiving prayer, too! I am generally able to pray 10-15 minutes per person, depending on the size of the meetings. They usually last about 3 hours, although can run a bit longer, or shorter. To join, please send me your email: Connie9824@aol.com (if you are not already on my list!) so I can send you a Zoom link to join the meetings. Note, you can attend by calling in via phone or connecting through a link on your computer. I have seen God heal and touch many lives at these meetings so I encourage you to come, expecting to receive mightily from Him. I look forward to “seeing” you there!!